So I decided to share some exciting news on my blog! Mainly because I'm pretty sure no one read it, and we're to the point of sharing with everyone anyway.
That's right! in September, our life is going to be blessed with a mini-one-or-the-other, making this an official Mormon Mommy Blog. I like to think it's not THAT official yet, since I don't really become a mom until the baby is born... so I guess it's a Mormon Mommy in Training Blog. whee.
Another reason I wanted to blab the good news, is because I've been having some wacky dreams. So wacky and realistic, I made sure to double check at my ultrasound that there was only ONE baby in there and not three... The latest baby-related dream was very funny... and also ominous, because I'm sure this is bound to happen with my luck.
In my dream I had a bouncing baby boy. He appeared to be about 7 months old and I was changing his diaper in the dream. This particular diaper had not held the released contents of my son's bowels effectively. There was poop all over the boy. While changing his diaper he managed to kick his little feet free and stick them into his poop. Eventually, I managed to wipe up most of the mess and left him on my bed while I went to run a bath for him. I left him lying on the bed un-diapered (he was going straight to the bath) and returned in time to observe the conclusion of his urination. So now pee was all over him AND my bed! I was obviously upset in my dream at now having to find time to wash my bed linens. I stuck my baby boy in the tub and proceeded to wash him. While he happily splashed in the bath, I forgave him a little. He looked super cute! And then he pooped. Again. In the tub.
Now. If you do happen to read my blog. Don't be stupid and comment on my facebook wall. If you must, message me, or comment on the blog. I haven't made the "Facebook Announcement" I'm waiting until the end of February for that. And I'm not going to put an ultrasound picture up. It's my uterus, and in experience looking at someone else's "baby" or so they say, is always confusing. It was super exciting to see our baby, and got those pictures, but I don't wish to force a view of my uterus on all my facebook friends. And I doubt I'll post a picture of me and my belly. It's all exciting, and I can't wait to show, but I think the only way you get to see my big belly is if you have the priveledge of seeing me in person. Those are just my opinions. I don't condone others who put those pictures up. I understand all the excitement! Its just not for me. :)