It's all said and done. I had my baby. I am now a mommy.
I love it. It's a million times better than being pregnant. My son is amazing. He's close to three months old, and things are really beginning to get interesting. Not that he wasn't the most interesting thing to happen to me, but now his personality is really starting to shine through. He's a stinker. It's no surprise, my husband and I were both handfuls as children, and are still energetic, so we were expecting a goon eventually. But we still love him. Even through his fussy eating and seemingly endless supply of poop, we can't get enough of him.
I have high expectations for myself as a parent. While I was pregnant I read several parenting, and child psychology books. I also followed fellow mom blogs and collected kid friendly ideas for food, music, games, toys, and just about every other imaginable idea out there. So far, I'm fostering goals to establish independent play and creativity as opposed to TV time, I'm all for homemade baby foods and learning Baby Sign Language, and as much Spanish as I can so Christian's language skills won't suffer.
Maybe it's a bit much. Maybe I'm a bit of a Tiger Mom. As he grows up, he'll be expected to be courteous and polite, well-rounded, and entertaining. I think I have things figured out... but all this will probably backfire. I dream of a well-behaved, smart, attractive little boy who is musically talented, as well as athletic, gets good grades, and is well-liked by his peers. Hopefully I can be a good mommy and achieve such a child. But, Even if I'm as good a mommy as I think I can be, I'll still love whoever Christian turns out to be :)