Another assignment I got a little too into. I'm section leader (thus revealing more of my nerdiness) and we had to write a letter of introduction to go out to all members of the band and future members. I initially started with a "valiant knight/battle" theme, but then changed it to avoid making the freshman think I was one of those uber nerds that pretend swordfight and religiously attend any medieval event. (which, in even further admittance to my personal nerdiness... sounds pretty fun. I like princesses!) this idea worked with this year's show a bit more.
Mello Agents:
You have been selected to serve in a top secret mission to play the F mello for the Pride of New Mexico Marching Band. Your mission is to infiltrate the organization, learn their ways and methods by mastering the music, and perfecting your marching technique. You will report to the agents Callie Schaub and Keisha Twitchell. You will recognize them by their status as “section leader” and they will present you with your disguise.
Include these items in your armory wardrobe:
• Protection-sunscreen, sunglasses, and hats will not only aid your disguise, but prevent the alteration of your original identity from harmful Las Crucian sun rays.
• Proper attire- nothing to draw too much unnecessary attention from the opposite sex, but enough to blend with the Aggie mass. Proper enough to provide quick reflexes and narrow escapes. Good shoes. No Flip flops. Speedy bike, foot or car chases are a possibility.
• Nutrition- Eat well. Espionage has no tolerance for inadequate nutrition or dehydration.
• Know the blueprints, and plan of attack, bring a lyre and flip folder.
• The Pride band will issue your F Mello arsenal upon arrival. This is your partner. Take care to embrace her full functionality and perfect intonation of the instrument. This IS your assignment. Play her perfectly. Know her pitch tendancies. Take care not to let yourself fall for the enticing tonality of this instrument. She’s only playing with your mind, and does not want to form a lasting relationship. She will leave you at the end of the season.
This is your assignment. Do it well. Report to the “section leaders”. Don’t draw attention to yourself, and learn all information you can. Good Luck.
K. Twitch
C. Schwab
P.S. Destroy this message after reading.
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