There are some in this world I know who don't appreciate music. They feel it their duty to let musicians know they "are wasting their time" or not "producing anything worthwhile to society" It's very upsetting to meet these people. I read an article on Yahoo! about the best majors to pick in college for the best job market and lucrative income. Music related careers were listed as the ones where they made the least amount of money and also the most cut back as teachers in public funding.
Both statements are true, but only to a point. Yes, unfortunately, a performing musician usually doesn't make much money. But a very talented musician makes more. It takes practically a lifetime to get there for the normally talented musician, but eventually, you can make a comfortable income. The best way to guarantee a livable income is to be a music teacher. And yes, even more sad is this ridiculous notion that music is not an essential subject to be studied. Because of this, music jobs are cut, choir and orchestra programs are non-existent, or get the boot. (It's this way with all arts). Because of this there is a lack of needed positions. But does Yahoo! Have to come out and bash all hope out? They could have used a little more tact. But, Yahoo! is pretty tacky...
I do not plan on making bank with my education choice. I really don't care, or even want to make bank. What matters is I am doing something I love and I'm good at. Being a music education major doesn't make me stupid, either. I have a wonderful father who told me before I left for college, that I had the capacity to be anything I wanted. I believe him. I know how to study, I learn well, and I work hard. That's all it takes to make it in any career. I just happened to choose music.
Now. To those music naysayers. Without music teachers, and performers, who would write the music for the American Idol singers you blast on your iPod? What about all those commercial jingles that persuade you to go buy, buy, buy all your gadgets and doo-dads to play music on? And when you get super rich from your "useful" "productive" and "beneficial to society" job, who's going to provide background music for your lavish cocktail parties, or wedding? A string quartet? Hmm...
I can't imagine a world without music. It's all around us. No matter how hard we try, it's inescapable. Music is in the wind, traffic, wind chimes, and in people talking. It's just unorganized. Music as we think of is simply organized pitches, timbres and rhythm. All blended together in a dizzying array of sequences, forms, patterns, chords, modes, scales, arpeggios, in a million different, complex, ways.Not to mention how music has been in society since the beginning of time. And since then songs have flowed through humanity, defining us, changing us-for good or evil, even. Music contributes to society just as much as a lawyer condemning a criminal of his crime.
So, don't dis us music people. If you hate music you might as well volunteer to lose your hearing to avoid it. Music is a mind boggling beauty God gave us to enjoy. So always sing your hymns in Thanksgiving to music and your ability to hear it!
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